Thursday, October 9, 2008

From This to That !!

Well I am so glad that Adam finally passed his kidney stone, it took a week but it is gone. I felt so sorry for him he has been in so much pain. I hate it when your children are sick. He still has another one but it is up high so they aren't worried about it right now. I have never had a kidney stone BUT I have had gall stones, OH MAN is that ever painful and a terrible ordeal to go through. I wish I could put my gall bladder back in:):)
Well Matthew you did so well singing at Mr Ramsey's funeral, it's something when after a funeral people come up to you and ask you to sing at their funeral, kinda weird. Anyhew as Sarah says Matthew's head was really swelling the whole next day. Just kiddin' !!!!
Well I did something on Tuesday that I had never done before in my life. Just to let you know I did not work when Matthew and Adam were babies or really anytime until the last 4 years. So getting a 7 month old baby ready for the baby sitter and yourself for work is a nightmare, for me anyway. I had a terrible headache on Monday just thinking how in the world was I going to pull this off. As I am not a morning person, and I don't have to be at work until 10 am. So I had to get up very early because Matthew had to be at work at 7:30:( Mind you it is pitch black dark at 6:45 and I had to walk through the woods to their house, kinda got scared. Anyway to make a loooonnnngggg story short, I DID IT!!!!!!! And I was only 5 min. late for work. My hat my what ever goes off to all Mom's that work and have to get their babies ready also. I honestly don't know how in the world you do it. I know age has a lot to do with it but still MOTHER'S THAT WORK ARE AMAZING!!!!!!! And if you have more than one, oh my word !!!! There needs to be a special day to celebrate Mother's that work!! And most of the time fathers don't help, I am so proud of my two son's that do help their wives.
I know this has gone from one thing to another, sorry.

1 comment:

The Traveling Turtle said...

I am all for that! :)

Thanks for helping us out in that bind. We both REALLY apprecitated it.