Monday, October 20, 2008

Grey's Anatomy - Bye Bye

This past Thursday I was all ready and waiting for Grey's Anatomy to come on. So when it did I was so disgusted about it I turned it off. I cannot believe that they have allowed this show to become filth. When they let 2 women be together that is not right. Would you let your children watch such things? No you would not, anyway I hope you would not!!!! As a christian I know what it says in the bible about this and it is absolutely WRONG!!!!!! So why in the world when there is better things to watch , why watch this? I admit I liked the show at first but my christian values are BETTER than this, so I WILL NOT watch again. This is how the TV media have gradually allowed this kind of stuff to come on our televisions and we have control over that by turning it OFF. So again I say, if you wouldn't let your children watch, why should you???

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