Tuesday, December 29, 2009

No Title

Just some random stuff that I would like to mention.
It is so cold, at least to me it is. We are not use to the highs only being in the low 50's and the wind blowing 20 mph which makes a wind child pretty low.
Goodwill helps people in need that are handicap to help get housing when other wise they would have no way. We send our clothes, shoes and etc to countries that have nothing. All our goods are from donations which helps out the company in making the prices not too high that you can afford to buy something to wear. So I say this with great discus why would someone steal from Goodwill, my goodness I would be ashamed to even give it a second thought. Well I did catch someone stealing and it made me sick to my stomach. These people have stolen and more than once and I was so glad to be able to finally catch them.
I enjoyed watching my grandchildren play together running and laughing so hard and wearing their Papa out doing tricks. I love to hear their little voices so sweet tell you that,"I love you Meme".
I am so glad that the "White family" can still get together on Christmas Eve and laugh so hard that you can't get your breath, Even if we have heard the same story over and over. I really don't know how they can remember so far back at everything thing they did as "mean" boys :):)
I am so blessed to live in a home that we always dreamed about and having some land to go along with it.
And I have never made a New Years resolution before so this year will be the first, to get all my closets cleaned out so I can see what is in them.
So I wish everyone a very blessed New Year and continue to pray for Sherry Butler that she will recover from what ever illness has struck her body.


The Traveling Turtle said...

what an awesome resolution! you will feel so much better after you do it. I just cleared out the last of my skinny clothes to give away. although it was sad, I am free of all the space they were taking up. And we are now steps closer to getting Celie's new closet and room in order. You will feel a weight lifted off you once you get your closets done. Who knows... it may prompt you to clean more stuff out. :)

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