Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Hard Can It Be????

I know that I am not the smartest cookie in the bag but I can never change my blog design. I have tried and tried and still have to get help from someone. I really like this design from called Hooties. It is little owls and it is so cute to me. But I can't figure it out at all.
I can't believe that it is almost spring but from my allergies I can tell. We have this sweet smell that comes from some place in the woods here and it makes me ill. My eyes fill like sand is in them, I cannot breath and the tickle in my throat drives me nuts. The problem is I take blood pressure medicine and can't take a lot of stuff. So if some one out there (Joy Blazer) that is a nurse could recommend something, I would appreciate the advise. I know that Clairtain D is the way to go and I hope I could take that.
I know today was a beautiful day as was yesterday, but the wind was blowing so bad. Yesterday was my nieces 18th birthday, I can remember when she was first born and was so pretty and has grown in to a beautiful young lady.
Next monday will be Matthews 31st birthday I really can't believe that either. He is a son, husband and father and expecting a new little angel in July. I kind of have a picture of what I think Miss Libby will look like. Since we have red hair on both sides I think she will have beautiful red hair, and maybe curly and beautiful blue eyes like her mother. Or she will have dark curly hair and blue eyes but what ever she will be loved very much. And her big sister Celie will be a little mommy to her I am sure.
It was cute last night when Matthew and Sarah asked Celie what the different people said on the bus(a little song Sarah made up) it goes like what does Papa say,"who's papa's girl, what does grand-dad say, Celieeeeeee bug, what does grammy say,"shhhhhhh" what does meme say"O my Jesus" it was too funny.

1 comment:

The Traveling Turtle said...

these little hooties are TOO cute! I can show you on your computer how to change the design. Once you do it the first time, you will be able to do it over and over again - I promise.

I hope you feel better soon! Allergies are not fun! I never knew what they were like until I lived in South Alabama and PSJ - but they are just terrible!

Feel better soon!