Friday, January 23, 2009

New Dog

Things are going pretty well with Daphanie and Macie. They had a little misunderstanding this morning over food. I forget that the alpha dog which is Macie I guess is the main ruler. But I forgot and put their food too close. Well I heard some fighting which lasted 2 seconds while I was in the other part of the house. I guess I need to feed them in different places. Daphanie is such a sweet little thing not agressvie at all and just goes with the flow. She loves Celie and I think Celie is not use to a animal that wants to stay around her. She stays with Celie all the time. But Daphanie is such a lover and wants to be loved all the time. Macie on the other hand is not loving, she is a loner and doesn't want to be bothered just let her alone and she is fine. Don't get me wrong, Macie loves Mike and likes for HIM to rub her tummy and go places. But she is actually an old maid. This is boring but I needed to update.

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