Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday a Great Day at Church

WE had such a good service at church today. Mike spoke and it was really good. Also he shared something that I will share with whoever reads my Blog.
Mike and a friend and his son were together this week and the son said that he had to share something that was told at his church. Now this gave me chill bumps so big and they started at my head to my toes. So this is the story, and it is TRUE!!!!!
This usher at this church in Panama City told this as it happened to his wife's friend in the north this week. She was driving home from work and as she was driving she saw a man hitchhiking, well she has never picked up one before, you just don't do it now days as it is not safe. Well she just felt so impressed to pick this man up, so as he got in the car she told him she has never picked up a hitchhiker before but for some reason she felt impressed to pick him up. Then she asked where he was going and he told her that he would tell her when they got there. But he looked at her and said,"The Lord said to tell you that Gabriel has his lips on the trumpet" well she started shaking so hard and when she looked back over to the man, he was gone. Well it upset her so bad, she didn't know what to do, should she stop or keep going. So as she looked in her rear view mirror she saw the police and he pulled her over because of her driving all over the road. As the officer approached her he told her she better have a good excuse if not she would get a ticket. The lady said just write me a ticket because you are not going to believe what I'm going to tell you. Well the officer said just try me, then she told him the whole story about the hitchhiker. Then the officer said, I am not going to give you a ticket because you are the 6Th person that has told me that today. WOW!!!!!!
We better get ready, I know that it cannot be much longer. But also know our timing is not like Gods timing, it might take 100 more years, but to think , "His lips are on the trumpet" is just a little bit closer to His coming.


Marci said...

That gave me chills too. Thank you for sharing this amazing story.

- Marci

Jerene said...

I just heard the same story today, 4/29/09, that happened to a lady in Grants Pass Oregon. I live in NW Washington. I have been researching on the internet and found that it has happened many times in the past century, but there seems to be a surge of it happening again in this month of April 2009. I am going to Wednesday night service tonight and I definately plan to ask my Pastor about. I don't know what to think. God Bless.