Sunday, February 7, 2010

Are we in the USA or Mexico

Not so sure how this will go over but at least I will speak what is on my mind, forgive me if I offend anyone.
First of all I love MY country and all what we stand for, well for the most part anyway. But I am having trouble with the language department of the people "Coming to America"( I love that song by Neil Diamond and the movie he was in singing it).
I don't understand why the Spanish speaking people are not required to learn English and to speak it in a public place if and when they become American citizens. Where I work we get several Spanish speaking people that can not even communicate with me because they don't understand nor can they speak English. Well it looks like I am playing sign language games with them to even tell them where the rest room is. Then they come in with their 3 to 4 kids each and they are very unruly and can't speak nor understand either. So it is like a mad house when they come in and let the kids destroy the whole store. I think it is wrong wrong wrong that our kids are made to take Spanish in school and the Spanish speaking kids don't have to learn English nor is there a class that teaches them the language of ENGLISH in the schools.
I truly think that in order to become an American citizen you must be required to learn and speak English. But what they don't know when they come in to where I work if our manager is working she is a white American that can speak and understand Spanish and knows everything they say when they come in and start speaking. Thanks for listening;):););)


The Traveling Turtle said...

I LOVE Neil Diamond. And I super love that song!!!!!!! Now I will be singing it all day. Me and my sister used to make up dances to that song. :)

metaphase said...

Well, here's my .02 for what it's worth, and I say it with the utmost respect. (As my own mama taught me to always be respectful of my friend's parents, and since Matthew and Sarah are more like family than friends...)
English is not the official language of the U.S. Because we are made up entirely of immigrants (your family came here from somewhere, too) we do not have an official language and that's why people don't have to learn one when they become citizens. English became the dominant language of our nation b/c of the large number of Enlish and Irish immigrants, but the first people on this land (after the Native Americans who we quickly did away with) were the Spanish in St. Augustine, Pensacola and Mobile. One of the reasons I love the U.S. is b/c we are "mutts" and let people come here and see how they can make it. Though I don't aways enjoy trying to communicate with non-English speakers, they have as much right to this country as I do. I also know how hard it is to live in a different country and want to be able to speak the language and just not be able to.
I can also appreciate that many Spanish speakers care about their families and actually work for a living, instead of being on wellfare, which is more than I can say for many American citizens.

Punkin said...

thank you metaphase for your comment, even tho I do not completely agree with you, I still love you a bunch. I understand what you are talking about but why if we are in america and about 2/3 of us speak english then I concider that "our" language? And I also know that most of them work very hard and Mike has had them work for him. I also know that being in the military you travel to different countries and not become citizens, I also know you can speak the language that you were at to be able to communicate with those people. I would spell it but I can't maybe I'll just say "Japan-Hong Kong"? I still love you, because we can agree to disagree;0) Just remember we live in PORT ST JOE, and the spanish speaking people that come here unless they get married have a "visa" and do not stay long.
So at Peppers there is a new crew that comes in when the others visa's have run out.

Anonymous said...

Well I am on Punkins side--as a nurse I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked to train someone to give pills or do nursing when they donot speak english--no one understands them and may I just say that when i go to a foreign country how come i don't expexct them to understand me--I am required to try to communicate to them in THEIR language---it is very frustrateting--esspecially when a job is passed ove ryou because you do not speak spanish--and the people who are immigrants in our country get better benefits than I do and I have lived in this country and support my government with my taxes that they don't pay but get a chunk of it--do I sound a little touchy???hummm Learn to speak english ---this is America

Punkin said...

And here is another problem I have just a little bit. I have a co-worker who is from Panama Canal and speaks and looks Mexican, well she informed everyone that she is not Mexican but Panamian?, then I have my manager who is white and speaks and understands spanish so here is my beef, when they are together they speak it to each other and I am offended because I am right there and can't understand one thing. So I told them it is not fair because I know they were talking not nice:(