Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Exciting News?????

To be honest with you, I had forgotten I posted that statement. So I have had several people, well actually 3 people who read my blog ask me what my exciting news was. First there was Matthew, then Adam and last my cousin Rose(Reedy to family). After Matthew ask me I could not give him an answer because I had no idea, then Adam called today and wanted to know what exciting news I had, couldn't tell him either. So tonight as I was checking my emails my cousin ask the same question. I must be losing my mind these days as I had no idea what the big news I was suppose to share with everyone. So I decided to rack my brain, well I finally figured it out.
We were going to have a staff meeting on Saturday at work and it was gonna be really good, I could not wait and I really wanted it to be earlier in the week. So the meeting got pushed up from Saturday and was held on Friday. Nothing happened at all, I wanted to really see some upset people but instead everything was good. Which was great and it was a good meeting.
OK, now comes the good part. As I came in to work Monday I was told 2 employees were not employed at our store any more and would I be willing to become a 3rd key assistant manager with 40 hours a week. Being in shock I agreed and then began to ask what was going on. Our store manager said she could not go in to any details but something had happened Saturday after we had left for the day and the other 2 employees were left at the store to close.
I did find out the store had been closed on Saturday by the head office and keys taken away from the assistant manager that was at work that evening. So now I have to wait until it can be discussed to let you know anything further. I hope this makes since:):)
All I know is if you think you are getting away with something sooner or later YOU will get caught---I love it!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break

Good ole spring break!!!! Every year I think when Matthew and Adam were small we went on a vacation. I guess in the summer is when we took the longest time. It was always so much fun and always a memory to bring home.
Since I have been working at Goodwill last week and this week we have been slammed with "spring breakers" from Ala.,Ga., and another state I can't remember. And the friends that I have made are getting ready to return back up north to their beautiful weather. There is one couple that are so sweet that are from Canada, I would love to go stay with them. They are so great and I am going to miss them the most. I guess they like me because the lady was trying on a jacket and just walked off and left her wallet. I saw what she did and I went to return it to her, she was so happy and since then they come it just about everyday and they are leaving next week. My other friend came in last Friday and said they were headed back up to Maine I think and she came in and told me bye.
I can tell that the business has been really good this winter and all THANKS goes out to the visitors that come and help our little town survive. If it wasn't for the "snow birds" and spring breakers I think the town would fold right up and die.
I have an exciting day coming up on Saturday, I will post when it is all over. I am excited for sure!!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010


There are a few things I hate about being sick. You feel louzy, staying in bed doesn't help because it makes you feel worse. My husband thinks you should never be sick and if you do you can work anyway. My take on that is why do you want to spread the germs?
Thanks Marci for changing my layout, I thought it was so cute!! Sarah is going to show me in person so I can change it often. I always like a change.
Life is Good!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Hard Can It Be????

I know that I am not the smartest cookie in the bag but I can never change my blog design. I have tried and tried and still have to get help from someone. I really like this design from shabbyblog.com called Hooties. It is little owls and it is so cute to me. But I can't figure it out at all.
I can't believe that it is almost spring but from my allergies I can tell. We have this sweet smell that comes from some place in the woods here and it makes me ill. My eyes fill like sand is in them, I cannot breath and the tickle in my throat drives me nuts. The problem is I take blood pressure medicine and can't take a lot of stuff. So if some one out there (Joy Blazer) that is a nurse could recommend something, I would appreciate the advise. I know that Clairtain D is the way to go and I hope I could take that.
I know today was a beautiful day as was yesterday, but the wind was blowing so bad. Yesterday was my nieces 18th birthday, I can remember when she was first born and was so pretty and has grown in to a beautiful young lady.
Next monday will be Matthews 31st birthday I really can't believe that either. He is a son, husband and father and expecting a new little angel in July. I kind of have a picture of what I think Miss Libby will look like. Since we have red hair on both sides I think she will have beautiful red hair, and maybe curly and beautiful blue eyes like her mother. Or she will have dark curly hair and blue eyes but what ever she will be loved very much. And her big sister Celie will be a little mommy to her I am sure.
It was cute last night when Matthew and Sarah asked Celie what the different people said on the bus(a little song Sarah made up) it goes like what does Papa say,"who's papa's girl, what does grand-dad say, Celieeeeeee bug, what does grammy say,"shhhhhhh" what does meme say"O my Jesus" it was too funny.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

OMG OMG OMG - Continued

Well I had a whole long post and lost it. I am too tired to start over. I just want take this time to give a big shout out to my daughter-in-law for dropping my blog ( Sarah). But to compare,
Matthew has only had 2 post since Feb. 14, he's still around.........
Good night all
Ok, well this is Friday night and we took 4 teenagers and a 79 year old to eat out tonight. Give me a break, why are there so many people eating out on Friday night? We had to go to 3 different places before we could find a place that we could actually go in side and not have to wait . Not being use to girls, squeals, laughing until drink came out your mouth and nose, being the loudest people in the whole restaurant, it was great!!!!! They were the best, I really love those girls and they feel close enough to you to tell you just about anything and some things you could pass by like TMI:):)
Well I also heard some good news today that Celie did her first poopoo in the potty. Yea for Celie!!!!! You should be able to get extra good poopoo treats:):)
Leaving you with a few quotes that I can live without, this hasn't been my first rodeo, I didn't fall off a turnip truck, to make a long story short(big laugh), I'm gonna knock you out and the best one is, if I tell you a hen dips snuff you better under her wing.