Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bird in the House !!!

Well I tried to find a picture of the bird that flew in my house last night. All I did was open the door and in it flew and it was like 8:00 pm so it was dark. I felt so sorry for the little thing as it was flying all in my house. In my kitchen I actually have bird houses on the top of my cabinets and he must of like them because he just stayed perched on top of them for a bit then fly to my christmas tree and would land on the top. I called Matthew knowing better but I thought he could maybe help me get the little thing out the door.
Well he came over, now remember Matthew is scared of his shadow. He says just leave the door open and maybe it would fly out. Well after a few dive bombs and Matthew and myself fall to the floor, I guess thinking it was going to attack us or something, the little thing flew out the door. I was breathing so hard and my chest pounding from the laughter of us two grown adults falling to the floor.
So as Matthew walks out the door the little bird shows up again but flew off.
Well later on I guess 30 mins. I went to the garage for something and there he was again just sitting on the little fence, what is his deal???
Mike came home about an hour after that and he said that the little bird was back again. I just can't figure this out. He was the cutest thing, very little and a yellow breast. I know they don't make nest now so I am stumped as to why he keeps coming to our house. So today is Sunday I haven't seen him today, maybe he is a night flyer :):):)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Well this will be short, I have got to go to work today. But I just wanted to let everyone know Thanksgiving was great. We have a couple new additions this year, my niece Haylee and my grand-daughter Celie. Celie knows she loves some turkey. She went to sleep pretty early and slept for a while, I think the stuff in the turkey put her out:):)

It gave the rest of the family to play a few games of UNO, it was fun and trying to teach my mother how to play was a trip. I won 3 games, I don't think I have ever won and it was fun, not so sure sixteen year old Haylee felt the same. But it was great having family around and we did some laughing. I have to tell this, I will be killed if it get to the wrong person. After everyone left Mama was so sleepy so she goes in the living room and leans her head back and fell fast to sleep, well she has false teeth, you guessed it she was sleeping with her head back and then the top teeth fell down, never wakeing her up but Haylee and I got a big laugh out of that, we never told her a thing.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A puppy sent by an Angel???

Well I don't know what happened but I am new at this so you got a look at the pictures before the post.
Anyway, this little angel of a dog I believe was sent by an angel. You might laugh, smerk or just say she is off her rocker. But if I tell you the story you might just change your mind. My youngest son Adam had wanted a puppy just for him, he begged so hard but we never would give the Okay. We already had three dogs and one was already an inside dog, why in the world would I want another one? We also had two cats and not sure if the hen and rooster were still around or not. No we didn't live on a farm, we actually lived in the city limits of Port St Joe.
But Adam wanted his very own puppy. And probably prayed every night for one. Even my mother knew Adam wanted a puppy, and she was going to get him one but we told her not to.
Well one day Mike called from The Butcher Shop, a meat market that we owned and thought was really gonna be a great thing for our little town.
Mike said he had something for us to please come to town and get it, well it was about 8am and I wasn't dressed and neither was Adam but we quickley did put on our clothes. We had no idea what it was and knowing Mike it could have been anything. As we pulled up to the shop Adam bolted out of the car and ran inside the store, I think I probably might have had my PJ's still on. Well there was a little box and Adam opened it and there was the cutest little puppy you have ever seen. Mike said she just appeared at the front door, she was only at the most 4 weeks old and solid white and 2 jet black eyes that looked like a seal. We couldn't figure out how in the world did a puppy that small even walk up town and come right to our store. Well Adam called his Mammaw and told her about the puppy, well to this day she thinks and angel just dropped the little thing right at the store. It does make you wonder where in the world did she come from, she was so small. Her little legs were so short and to have come to a place where someone maybe had prayed for a puppy. I know you think it is weird but, I do believe God lets some little prayers get answered that children do pray. Having that child like faith, isn't that what he wants us to have?
Well Macie is her name and she is about 6 years old now, Dr. Nelson told us she wouldn't get to about 10lbs, well he missed that by a long shot. She is 20lbs and the best little dog that we have ever had, the sweetest little face you have ever seen. But now that is how I feel, and I know that others think their dogs are the cutest but just look at that face. She is now pretty much the ruler of the house and loves Mike so much. I know this isn't a Thanksgiving story but we are thankful she came into our family. The only thing when Adam got married and moved out he tried to take her but too bad, she stayed here with us. And we love her so much!!!!

A puppy sent by an Angel???

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Freezing in Florida ????

I guess today was one of the coldest days I have seen in a while. I don't remember last year being cold at this time. Anyway, I really do love it and it being at most Thanksgiving and not HOT. I really do like the different seasonal changes, like you can tell the difference between summer and winter.
Today was actually a wonderful day starting out, and then plans got changed. We had family pictures taken today I really hope they turn out good. The weather was beautiful but really cold and windy, the babies had red noses and watery tears flowing down their little faces. It was so cold and Britt and I were the only short sleeve wearers. I just hope Amanda can do magic on me, like take off 30lb + smooth out wrinkles
and just all around make over. The plan changer was the birthday party for Paisley as she will be one year old the 4th of December, we got a call and Matthew and Adam's greatgrandmother who is 96 years old is not well and wanted to see Adam so he and Marci went to see her.
I love to sit and talk to her. She can really tell you so many things from the past that are so amazing. Raising five children by yourself and not depending on the government for that support. She actually worked for a living and made ends meet by the grace of God and many prayers.
She lives by herself and even cooks some. But she fell a couple of weeks ago and not feeling the best right now. She has never been in the hospital and very seldom has to go to the Dr., she is so blessed. She is a great lady and loves all her children, grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. She gets everyone something for christmas, thats what is so amazing.
And all new grandchildren get hand made blankets from her.
She is a precious jewel !!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Yes it was me, I did turn the heater up Matthew and I did leave the dirty pot and bottle in the sink. I told you yesterday was a weird day. I usually remember to turn the heater or air back to the original position and I never leave dirty dishes at your house, sorry just forgot this time.
Sorry about all that :):):)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Making a Fashion Statement

Well I feel that I need to go ahead and defend myself before the fashion expert has a chance to bash me. I didn't know that Celie had to make a fashion statement everyday :):):) So I figure what could go wrong with matching solids with solids??? Today was kinda weird, I really did think that Matthew was bringing Celie over fully dressed as he did last week. But no, and he calls in a panic as to wondering where I was. So I just got dressed really fast and went out in the freezing weather over to Matthew and Sarah's house and Celie still had her little PJ's on. To myself I thought, OH NO I have to figure out the outfit for the day. I would keep her in PJ's all day but Matthew being voted "Best Dressed" in high school, and quite often reminds people of that accomplishment
would not go for that. Celie looks cute in PJ's it's not like we get to go any place as I don't have a car seat base in my car, so staying home and playing with her is just fine with me.
Well I knew it was cold outside so I open the closet to a slew of clothes. I tried to find a little long sleeve top and long pants. Well I found a little tulip top and some little striped pants, I thought matched well they didn't. I didn't know the little tulip top had little tulip pants that matched, I do know now. Anyway when Matthew came and picked her up he said she looked ridiculous.
So I figure that from now on Matthew can just bring her dressed or lay out her matching outfit for me to put on. He must have forgotten that I had two boys, and matching was very easy!!!!!
Love you Matthew

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Girl

This is the "Happy" girl and today
she is pretty happy. Still the teeth
are still a problem but we will get
through this today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Poor Celie

I kept Celie today, a day I don't normally do. But as a favor I couldn't resist. I can't imagine paying someone 70+ dollars for one day. That is insane I think. But I don't know the rate these days in baby daycare. But I know this amount is ridiculous. But it worked out for the best as Celie wasn't her normal happy,smiley self. I have forgotten how it was when teeth are trying to come in and they feel so bad.
People say that they itch but how do you really know? I sure can't remember when I was that age and I don't think anyone else does either. So they might feel like a throbbing tooth ache, now I can tell you how that feels and it's not a good feeling at all.
So maybe by tomorrow she will be feeling better and lets all pray those teeth come in soon!!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bad hair day or Mohawk???:):)

I couldn't resist taking these pictures:):) Kinda looks like a mohawk sorry Celie, Meme loves you anyway. She was really showing off so I couldn't help myself!!!!

Being Thankful!!

I am thankful that the bible is being fulfilled so quickly, do you think that is was in God's plan for Obama to get elected, sure it was. It means that he will be coming sooner than later. Read in Revelation:13, and I believe that it tells about it.
Because of the beast, the antichrist, is a false messiah, he will be a counterfeit of Christ and will even stage a false resurrection. People will follow and worship him because they will be awed by his power and miracles. He will unite the world under his leadership, and he will control the world economy. People are impressed by power and will follow those who display it forcefully or offer it to their followers. But those who follow the beast will only be fooling themselves ; he will use his power to manipulate others, to point to himself, and to promote evil plans. God, by contrast, uses his infintely greater power to love and to build up. Don't be misled by claims of great miracles or reports about a resurrection or reincarnation of someone cliaming to be Christ. When Jesus returns, he will reveal himself to everyone.
The power given to the beast will be limited by God, He will allow the beast to exercise authority only for a short time. Even while the beast is in power, God will still be in control !!!!!! Amen Amen

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Malt Balls or Paint Balls ????

Well this is another story about my mother. This time this is really funny, to me anyway. She had gone over to Destin to stay with my brother for a few days and help him clean out his garage. Well she started getting hungry and saw what she thought was a box a malted milk balls ( I love those things) and poured her a hand full. I think she had 0ne or two in her mouth when my brother asked her what she was eating. Well, she said " I am trying to eat these malt balls but they are so tough". He started laughing so hard and she didn't understand, so he told her they were paint balls, thats why they were so hard:):) Man, can you imagine if she had bitten through even one, paint would have went everywhere. I think she learned her lesson, I hope so!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

McDonalds ice cream cone---tuff????

Well I haven't written anything funny in a while so I thought I would this time. And one of the funnest people I know is my mother. I have two stories to talk about this time. One day we ( me, Mike and Mama) went to Panama City to eat, well it never fails that Mama always likes to stop by McDonald's and get a ice cream cone. Well we were all full from eating at some restaurant but we stopped anyway. We all ordered vanilla cones, you have to admit that they are good. By that time it was dark and we were in the Tyndall stretch, Mike ask how was the cone to Mama, "Well it was pretty good but the cone was so tuff that I could hardly chew it." Well, think back at McDonald's when they fill a cone they put a paper cover over the cone so they don't touch it. So you guessed it, she had eaten the cover, we laughed so hard. Then we pull up in her drive way to let her get out, and she had unbuttoned her skirt because she was so full and forgot to re button it. Well you guessed it again, when she got in front of the car and the lights her skirt fell to the ground, she never stopped walking.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well it has been about 20 years since I went out on October 31. But with this cute little baby duck I couldn't resist, don't you think so?????